Find everything you need about Squash in Orlando Florida and surrounding areas

Squash Orlando

Get in touch with Squash Orlando

All the info about squash in Orlando Florida. Squash Clubs, Squash Coaches, Ladder, League, Tournament, Restring and much more....

Squash player contacting Squash Orlando
Beautiful woman playing a match of squash

Tell us how we can help you with your Squash

Squash in Orlando Florida and surrounding areas

Squash courts in squash club in orlando florida

Squash Clubs or School

Get all of the details to find the perfect squash club or school with squash for your kids

Orlando Squash Racquet with a squash ball in Squash Orlando

Learn and play Squash

From lessons to round robin, Leagues and clinics. Everything you need for your squash needs

Orlando Squash Racquet and squash string at squash proshop

Stringing and proshop

Stop looking around and find the perfect stringer and Squash proshop for your gear

Squash Orlando

Squash players in Squash Orlando

Wish to take a trial at Squash?

Try squash and discover a life long sport to enjoy worldwide